Saturday 2 June 2007

Being surreal in Connecticut

It's fun being in the States. SO many new experiences:

* Staying in a Condominium (with my delightful hosts)
* Going to a clambake (clam chowder, followed by swashbuckling swordfish)
* Baking in the 90+ heat of the day
* Baking even more under the stage lights for our concert rehearsal
* Spotting wild turkeys (big) and chipmunks (small)

BUT my abiding memory will be the clambake, in a small hall on the beach, surrounded by windows. We were treated to a fantastic storm, with lightning flashes all round. Two choirs together, after a couple of hours of munching and drinking, inevitably started a sing-song. Hence I found myself standing in an open doorway, with the rain on my face, the lightning dazzling me from all sides, while behind me came a succession of rousing show tunes! Surreal...


Sue d'Albertanson said...

looks and sounds amazing Alison. I'll enjoy keeping up with your progress.

vic watson said...

sounds fantastic !! I can't wait for the next installment !

Sally Lloyd-Jones said...

Love your Blog Alison! and love the sound of your time in Connecticut. All God's blessings on you in this wonderful adventure you're on. Can't wait to read the next chapter...