Monday 13 August 2007

The same - but harder

'Teaching the Bible to children is the same as teaching it to adults - but harder!'

I like to pop this proposition in front of people and get them to discuss it (especially if they're NOT in children's and youth work). I don't actually mind whether they agree with me or not - I just want them to consider the possibility. Because, if I'm right, that has implications in a church, and should hopefully mean that children's workers are viewed differently.

I'm going to use this as a discussion starter next week at the Bible College in Johannesburg. It will be interesting to find out whether they agree with me or not.

Do you?


Todd McKeever said...

I have always said it is harder and takes more prep to preach to kids than adults.

For kids you have to think through vocabulary that you may not be accustomed to using anymore. With kids talk like you do all the time, becasue you are an adult.

For Kids different learning styles and basics still being developed with adults it's done.

Shorter attention spans but same time amount in services.

There's a few of mine right off the top.

margieh said...

I think one of the reasons it's harder for adults to share the scriptures in meaningful ways with children is that most of us have spent our whole life trying to grow up and stop thinking the way a child thinks - to think real and true, to stop imagining, to analyse and look below the surface for "hidden meanings".

The way children use their God-given imaginations yet are still so very observant and still taking their world very seriously and very literally is just different than the way we think.

They think simple and obvious yet often it's so profound. How often to teachers come eager to learn from their students? That's hard for adults, too.