Wednesday 1 August 2007

Good children's material?

Friends of mine founded the Johannesburg Bible College three years ago. This year they have begun a Women's and Children's Work course - and have asked me to do some teaching on it. I go in two weeks' time. (Both exciting and terrifying!) Two of the sessions they have asked for are: 'what to look for in good children's material' and 'how to write and produce good children's material'. I've been pondering about how these sessions might look different as a result of teaching them in South Africa, rather than the UK.

When I write children's material for the 5-8s at my own church, I can tailor it specifically for the group size, venue, timing etc. I also know the children, what their needs are and something about their spiritual understanding, all of which shapes what I write. When I write or edit material for publication, it needs to be much more flexible, to allow for a wide variety of groups using it. But even so, having spoken to a lot of children's leaders over the years, I do have a feel for what the variables might be in UK churches. But what about South African churches? Some of what I know here in the UK will translate across the water - but other things will be very different. I'll need to ask lots of questions, and be prepared to adapt according to what I find.

BUT one thing will be the same. For teaching material to be 'good', it must be Bible-centred. Not just based on the Bible - but shaped by it. And it must help children to engage with the Bible for themselves, and come to know God better through His Word.

I know that there is a shortage of South African material written in local languages (rather than English). Please pray for the students currently studying on this course - that God will equip them to write material that is faithful to Him and His Word, and that will be used by Him in many young lives. And please do pray that my contribution will be both encouraging and helpful. Thank you.

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