Friday 31 August 2007

Get ready to be imitated

I have been reading Hebrews in the mornings, and was struck by these words:

'Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.' (Hebrews 13 v 7–8)

My 5-8s group starts again next week - I'd guess many of your groups do, too - which makes it a good time to be thinking about the Autumn term. The children and young people in our groups will watch us as well as listen to us. They will notice whether our lives back up what we say. They will watch how we relate to each other. And, if we are parents, they will watch how we relate to our children, too. They may not be consciously checking up on us - but they'll soon notice if we say one thing but do another.

The writer of Hebrews encouraged his readers to remember their leaders and imitate them. Don't we long that the young people we serve will 'imitate our faith'? - that they will put their faith in Jesus, as we have done, and aim to serve Him wholeheartedly. Hebrews then goes on to remind us that Jesus doesn't change. The Jesus we teach about in our groups is the same Jesus we read about in the Gospels, the same Jesus we see at the creation of all things (John 1 v 1-3, Colossians 1 v 16) and the same Jesus we look forward to praising throughout eternity. Jesus is constant - always faithful, always true.

Paul knew the importance of imitation. He wrote: 'Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.' (1 Corinthians 11 v 1). As we start a new term, maybe this is a good time to prayerfully think through what kind of example we are giving to our children and young people - to ask God to point out areas that need to change - and to pray for God's help in living lives that will honour Him, and reflect the truth of what we teach.

Are we ready to be imitated?

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