Wednesday 4 July 2007

The funnest thing you can do on water?

Yesterday was easily the funnest day of my trip! After an early meeting (not the fun bit!), my god-daughter and I caught a train (I love the Sydney double-decker trains!) down to Circular Quay and went jet-boating. Lots of screaming. Lots of being thrown around. Lots of getting wet. It was the funnest, coolest, wettest joyride you can imagine. :D

After a lazy lunch, overlooking the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, we then mosied on to the cinema, for a lazy afternoon with the Fantastic Four, lounging on the most comfortable cinema seats I've ever met. Then we wandered back home, for a special meal with some very good friends (accompanied by some very, very good Shiraz.) :D

I head home tomorrow - and I'm still really looking forward to being home - but it's been lovely to have such a yummy day at the end of my trip. :D

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