Friday 25 April 2008

A chat about coffins

Have you designed your coffin yet? An article from this week's BBC News magazine looks at the latest options for personalised coffins - bright colours, stickers, photos or even a bespoke coffin in the shape of your favourite thing (tram? plane? piano?). The article is fascinating - and so are the reader's comments afterwards. Most focus on the here and now, and how a personalised coffin can help turn a funeral into a celebration of someone's life. Only a couple raise the question of what happens after death.

This could be a great discussion starter - with your youth group, or maybe just over a coffee with your mates. What do they think of the idea of decorating coffins? Would they do it, and if so what designs or shapes would they choose? What would they want their coffin to say about the life they have lived? You could print out some of the reader's comments, and ask if they agree or not, and why? Why do they think almost all the comments focus on here and now, rather than what happens after death? Whether you then leave the subject open, for people to muse on, or choose to develop it further is up to you. Christians have a certain hope that death is not the end, and that we have a wonderful future in the new creation to look forward to. Maybe a chat about coffins will give you an opportunity to explain this further.

You can read the article, and reader's comments, here.

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