Thursday 8 May 2008

How (not) to be me

I'm currently preparing a training seminar on 'How to be a great team member'. Unfortunately, when I tried to save my work on my trusty computer, it decided that this was too long a title to save - so it changed it to 'How to be a great team me'! After I'd stopped chortling, it struck me that this new title summed up exactly what I do NOT want to say:

• The danger when training is to unintentionally give the impression that people need to be just like me if they want to be great children's workers. If someone goes away thinking, 'I'll never be as good a storyteller as Alison', then I've failed.
• The great thing about teams is that everyone is different. Between us we bring a wide range of gifts and experience, that no one leader can have.

So here's a question to ponder (whether you're a team leader, team member, or both):
? What are some of the things that a team member can do, that a team leader can't?
Then take your answers and use them to thank and encourage anyone who works in a team with you.

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