Monday 14 January 2008

Our Father knows us

Yesterday morning, the leader of our service took an unusual approach to a classic youth activity. Have you ever played the game where five or six young people line up behind a blanket, with just one foot poking out below the blanket - and someone has to guess who each foot belongs to? This was the same idea, but with slits cut in a sheet so that hands could be poked through. The lovely thing was that the leader then asked for half a dozen Dads to come up with their children. The Dads lined up nervously, while their children hid behind the sheet and each popped through one small hand. Could each Dad recognise their own child's hand? Would anyone get it wrong? It was a tense moment...

Thankfully, each Dad spotted his own child and all was well - but two of them looked mightily relieved! The service leader then made a link between human Dads and our heavenly Father - how He knows and cares for each one of us.

It was a great activity. One I shall doubtless 'borrow' at some point. You may like to as well. And what a lovely reminder that, even if a Dad had felt that one little hand looked much like another, that our heavenly Father made us, knows us, loves us. 'Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head (and hand!) are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.' Luke 12v6-7

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