Tuesday 8 January 2008

The curious incident of the wasp in the night-time

A few nights ago - at exactly one minute past midnight - my bed was dive-bombed by a large, loud wasp, seemingly unaware that it shouldn't be awake in early January. Half an hour, and a variety of implements, later, the wasp was still refusing to leave my bedroom. It attached itself firmly to a rug hanging on the wall, and wouldn't budge. I ended up lifting the rug off the wall, carrying it out of my flat, down two flights of stairs and into the road - where I then had to beat it for several more minutes before the wasp deigned to fly off. (I was beating the rug, not the wasp!).

The thing that struck me was what an impact this wasp had on me. It was late, dark and cold - I was tired and in bed - but I sprang into action. I never considered giving up - I knew I couldn't go back to sleep while the wasp was still above my bed.

In my years as a Schools' Worker, as I visited up to 20 schools a week, I noticed a definite trend in January. Many of the teachers had come back to school tired. The Christmas term had been long, the Christmas 'holiday' was hardly restful, and there were bugs aplenty waiting to be caught. As a result, schools were full of tired and stressed teachers. Maybe that's how you're feeling too? The pre-Christmas rush of special events and evangelistic opportunities is fantastic - but also draining. Maybe you then had a busy, family-filled, non restful Christmas - plus a wee bug to keep you company! Now you're starting a new term, but feeling tired and perhaps struggling to find your full enthusiasm for your ministry.

It might be that you genuinely need more rest, in which case see if you can build in a couple of days off. But otherwise, ask God to show you what would help stir you into action. (What's your 'wasp'??) Meeting up with others to plan an upcoming session, rather than doing it on your own? Inviting someone for coffee and to pray for each member of your group? Reading a challenging, encouraging book? Downloading a talk* that will spark your thinking? For me, it was praying with the rest of the team just before leading our group on Sunday morning - that's what sparked me back to full enthusiam for the children we were about to serve. As people who 'hope in the Lord', let us ask God to help us to 'run and not grow weary' (Isaiah 41v31).

* One suggestion for helpful listening would be the main talks and seminars from last year's Bible-Centred Youthworker Conference. These are all available for free download here.

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