Monday, 7 May 2007

Creating a blog...

Well, I've just created my first (and only?) blog. NOT a quick process! Back in the dark ages - 1980 really - I did a Computer Science degree. The first computer I worked on filled a whole room. Within three years, every Primary School in the country had at least one microcomputer - mostly the fabulous BBC Micro, with 32K of memory in total!! (A great machine - I once helped write a program for controlling a robot arm via a BBC micro. It may have been small, but it was amazingly versatile.)

In those early days of microcomputers, one of my jobs was to write booklets explaining to people how to use a new piece of software. I discovered then that most manuals were written by people who already knew how a system worked, and therefore didn't explain it very well. Having just created my first blog, I can confirm that nothing much has changed. I got here in the end, but with a lot of frustrating trail and error along the way...

It was FUN though!

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