Saturday, 5 February 2011

To Kindle or not to Kindle

Having met my first Kindle this week - and hearing that Amazon now sell more e-books than "real" books - I thought I'd find out more. Discovered two things:

1. If you search the Kindle store for bestsellers it doesn't take long to come across plenty of erotica. I guess an e-reader is an easy way to order porn in secret, and not have anyone else knowing what you're reading (no cover to hide). Maybe that's one reason the e-sales are so high?

2. In reaction to the above I looked to see if the Bible is available. It is, in various versions, including the ESV study Bible for less than £9. My favourite though is...
Holy Bible (Kindle edition) by at el. God (author)

I'm so glad Amazon know who the Author is!

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