Monday, 16 June 2008

The three groanings

I've just been doing some typesetting for Explore Bible reading notes. I found the following comments on Romans 8 v 18-27 so inspiring, that I had to copy them here!

Paul is inviting believers to stop concentrating on present problems and fix their sights instead on future glory. That’s where the three groanings come in—they are not grumbling kind of groanings, but longing-for-glory groanings.

The creation around us is in a terrible state. Man’s sin has ruined what was created perfect. It is groaning in pain, like a woman in childbirth (v 22). But why is it groaning like this? Because it is longing for the future. Even the creation is straining its neck, eager for the time of freedom and glory for the sons of God (v 19, 21). The groans are evidence that glory is ahead!

Of course we aren’t perfectly happy yet. We’re not yet in full possession of the salvation that is ours! We must wait patiently, expectantly, confidently (that’s what ‘hope’ means, v 24). Christians have the ‘firstfruits’ (v 23)—the Holy Spirit in us is the down payment of the full harvest; but we groan in painful longing to know the full glory and freedom of sons of God.

In struggling we’re actually in tune with the Spirit of God! If we think we should be on cloud nine all the time we’ve got it wrong—the Holy Spirit is groaning along with us as we struggle in prayer, hardly knowing how to cope and what to pray in our sin-soaked environment. He understands, He helps us, He secures God’s approval of our feeble cries. But it won’t be too hard—pray through v 18 until you agree!

Isn't that brilliant - and SO encouraging! You can find out more about Explore Bible-reading notes here.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

A new identity

Today I got a new computer. A MAC Mini - very yum. The good news is that it came with different software than I've used before - and suddenly I can do exciting things like adding bold or italics to my blogs (my previous machine didn't let me do this for some reason).

But sadly, although my Mini MAC is new to me, it's not really new. One of my colleagues has been using it for months. And (again for a reason I don't fully grasp) we can't change the identity on it. So... every time I log in... instead of logging in as Alison, I now have to log in as Andre!

Hmm... It makes me glad that my identity in Christ isn't so fickle.
'Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.' 2 Corinthians 1 v 21-22

So... I guess I may have to get used to being called 'Andre' - but I'm thrilled that my relationship with God through Christ is certain and sure for all time.