Tuesday 13 November 2007

Image imagination

I'm currently reading John Houghton's newly revised book about the Harry Potter series. More on that when I've finished it - but I was struck by a comment John makes early on. While discussing the concern some Christians feels about the use of imagination, he points out that we are made 'in the image of an imaginative God'. That got me thinking...

We only need to explore our world a little to see the exuberance of God's imagination at work. (How else can you explain the duck billed platypus? Or the fact that we've been given five senses to experience our world through?) I'm so grateful that our world reflects the ingenuity of our Creator. But what does it mean for US to reflect His imaginative nature? If we are designed to be imaginative - and so are the young people we work with - what impact does that have on what we do with them? CS Lewis imagined Narnia, and then used it to portray some aspects of Christian truth. Most of us don't have a series of best-selling books hiding away inside us* - but maybe there are other ways, which we haven't tried yet, of using our imagination to faithfully teach God's living Word?

* If I'm wrong, and you do have a series of best-selling books hovering in your head, please let me know!

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